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Unpopular opinion
Unpopular opinion 2024-01-11 thoughts
Texture is the most important quality for good ice cream
random thought
random thought 2023-12-13 quotes
Life is a lot easier if you think like u are on a video game level. Why would you not try your hardest to beat it?
why we are getting more divided
why we are getting more divided 2023-12-12 thoughts
when I ask google “can running help you gain weight” it gives me results of how it can help me gain weight versus when I ask google “does running help you gain or lose weight” it gives me results for how it helps u lose weight

The google algorithm is one of the most complex in the world and incredibly smart - And the point is that how biases affect what information is outputted to us like we phrase questions differently subconsciously when we want to hear a certain answer

which ties into how the internet increasingly contributes to polarizing opinions and populism
App idea
App idea 2023-06-07 thoughts
People to work out with
Matches you up based on preferences
Keeps you accountable
Random thoughts #2
Random thoughts #2 2022-07-13 thoughts
Our brains can only comprehend what was important for surviving - it is constrained by the fact that we are Homo sapiens evolved on planet earth. There must be possible state of consciousnesses much more advanced than that of ours that can comprehend things about the universe we could never understand.
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