
  • Studying applied math and computer science at the University of Southern California.
  • Learning Mandarin up to HSK4 to prepare for solo-traveling in Taiwan this May.
  • Closing in on a 265 pound bench press and 345 pound squat personal record.
  • Reading a book every week - this week is "A Primate's Memoir" by Robert Sopolsky.
  • Watching Game of Thrones with my Dad (its so good how did I miss out).
  • Obsessed with poker, playing and reading as much about it as possible.
  • things I've done

  • I have debated in over 50 national circuit policy debate tournaments. I have spent an inordinate amount of time debating every topic under the sun. e.g. immigration, aritificial intelligence alignment, nuclear war, psychoanalysis.
  • I have worked as a junior product manager for Frenchy Digital. During my six months there, I released three new product updates, and increased user acquisition for a healthcare transaction website by over 250%, and fixed over 200 bugs.
  • Received a Presidential Scholarship from the University of Southern California for National Merit Finalist status. I am now using my test-taking experience to tutor international students who want to study in America.
  • my to-do list

  • Do field work & research with chimpanzees in Africa (inspired by Robert Sopolsky).
  • Help build aritificial general intelligence.
  • Play soccer at Henningsvaer Stadion in Lofoten, Norway.
  • Fall in love, get married, and have kids.
  • Become fluent in Chinese and connect the two sides of my family together.
  • Attend a Premier League, Manchester United, soccer game.
  • Reach the 1000 pound club (squat, bench press, and deadlift PRs add up to 1000).
  • Ski with my friends in Niseko, Japan, and also hop in the hot springs.
  • Help build the next Minecraft.
  • Try to beat the market.
  • Move to San Francisco.
  • Writing I Enjoy

    Favorite Quotes

    "Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will."
    "The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts."
    "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."
    "We often suffer more in imagination than in reality."
    "This too shall pass."
    "“The world will ask you who you are, and if you do not know, the world will tell you.”

    Why math?

    Math is akin to learning as running is to sports. It's essential to performance across all different domains. People avoid math for the same reason people avoid running - it's hard work. But, it should be essential to all learning. Math teaches you how to solve problems. How to stay with a problem, determine what it is asking of you. To concoct a strategy. To implement said strategy. To see your strategy fail, figure out exactly where it went wrong, and fix it. It's the most basal form of problem solving, and learning how to solve problems will always be useful. I also like solving math problems. Getting lost in a difficult and conceptually fascinating math problem is akin to to being engulfed by the world of a good book or movie. You are fascinated by the characters, how they interact with each other, and the world that is built around them. Everyday worries are forgotten as your mind is completely occupied.

    Why weightlifting?

    As a kid, I was also very skinny. Compared to my brother, who was swim and water polo captain, I was no where near as strong or athletic as him. I spent lots of years insecure and unhappy about this fact, until one day my senior year of high school I decided to change. It was my first real taste of the addicting feeling of progression. Everyday a small improvement, kaizen. The fascinating thing is that each week I got a little better, not always linearly, but consistently.Since I started lifting about 3 years ago, I have made substantial progress, and turned one of my biggest weaknesses into a strength (see here). I have also applied that inertia to new domains, academics, personal relationships, and math. Weightlifting helped me realize that I am capable of great change. If I dislike something about myself, I can simply choose to no longer do/be that thing.

    Website developed by me. Last updated 12/30/24